
  1. 你最喜欢的活动/爱好是什么?
这些年来学校变得很忙, but I've still made it a point to spend time with my family and friends.
  1. 你读过的最重要的东西是什么?
今年夏天, I read a non-fiction book called A Fever in the Heartland, 是十大靠谱网赌平台三k党的叛乱的吗. It’s the story of a lady who put an end to the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the early 1900s. 我从中学到了很多, especially about how powerful figures can make quick decisions that can have an impact on an entire country.
  1. 你最喜欢的周六方式是什么?
I typically try my best to start Saturdays relatively early, 这取决于我前一晚做了什么. I enjoy going to the gym and catching up with old friends. 
  1. 你最喜欢的节日是什么?
我真的很喜欢圣诞节. During those two weeks, I tend to travel with my family. We aim to have more meaningful experiences and be immersed in other cultures. The first trip I ever took was to Malaysia and Singapore — that’s still one of my favourite experiences. 
  1. 你最喜欢的歌是什么?
My favourite song right now is called Headlines by Drake. 我真的很喜欢这种节奏, the words are pretty motivational and I feel like I'm in a movie when I'm listening to it.
  1. 你最珍贵的财产是什么?
我的墙上有一把木剑, with the word “Haiti” on it from one of my first trips with my family. I got it from a tourist shop where we had to haggle a bit to purchase it. 谈判的金额很小, but it was just a fun opportunity to learn from local culture and purchase something that has sentimental value to me.
  1. 你最想拥有哪一种才能?
我想对各种设计都有鉴赏力. I really appreciate those people who can picture something and then bring it to life.
  1. 你长大后想做什么?"
哦,男人. If it didn't change every week, I could give you a great answer. I know that I want to have a large-scale impact on whatever work I do. I want to work on a fulfilling project that involves some sort of international involvement. 
  1. What was one of the most memorable projects you did at Crescent?
There was an English project I did just last year where we explored the different literary devices used by Shakespeare in Othello. I worked with a team of four I hadn’t worked with before. I got to know my teammates really well and learned from them — they had incredible ideas. It gave us the chance to get to know one another and it actually taught me a bit about myself. 
  1. 你在十大靠谱网赌平台最美好的记忆是什么?
绝对是我十年级的费城之旅. It was a great opportunity to travel with some of my closest friends and work on something meaningful. 
  1. What advice would you give to a Grade 3 Crescent student today?
I would encourage him to embrace the opportunity that is in front of him and to be really present in the moment. When you're with your friends, pay full attention, and engage with them. 当你工作的时候, 无论是在学校还是在以后的职业生涯中, 攻击你瞄准的目标. There are opportunities that are going to come to you that you'll only be aware of if you're really present.